Student Success

Instructor in Engineering Stephen Feldbauer, seated, and student Kyle Bear.

Engineering student's research garners international attention

For the second time during his student career in the Penn State DuBois Engineering program, Kyle Bear has had a research article published in a top industry magazine. Having heard of Bear's research in powder metal production processes, editors from "Thermal Processing" reached out to Bear and asked if he could pen an article for them with updates on his progress. His initial article appeared in the American Welding Society's Welding Journal in May of 2017.

Sell-Kohlhepp Open Doors Scholarship established at Penn State DuBois

Dan and Donna Kohlhepp have made a $60,000 gift to establish the Sell-Kohlhepp Open Doors Scholarship, honoring both the Kohlhepp family, as well as Donna's family, the Sells. The Open Doors Scholarship Program has generated nearly $2 million for student scholarships at Penn State DuBois so far. This unprecedented giving opportunity runs in its current form through June 30, offering the 2:1 match to donors who make a minimum $30,000 pledge, payable over five years.
Chrtistine Beretsel delivers the commencement address.

Spring commencement celebrated at Penn State DuBois

Nearly 80 members of the Penn State DuBois class of 2018 made the transition from students to alumni May 4 at the campus' spring commencement ceremony. Chancellor M. Scott McBride presided over the ceremony, with Professor of Chemistry Arshad Khan serving as faculty marshal. Special guest speaker Christine Beretsel provided the commencement address. Music for the ceremony was provided by the Penn State School of Music Graduate Brass Quintet.
Associate Professor Mary Mino offered a greeting

Honors Convocation recognizes students, faculty, staff

The 79th annual Delta Mu Sigma Honors Convocation at Penn State DuBois recognized outstanding students, faculty, and staff members on April 20 in the campus' Hiller Auditorium. The event is organized each year by members of the Delta Mu Sigma Honors Society.