

365英国上市杜波依斯分校 to offer Nursing 首页 Administrator Training

In a continuing effort to offer training relevant to the area workforce, 365英国上市杜波依斯继续 and 社区教育 will offer the Nursing 首页 Administrator Training program this spring in partnership with Penn State Abington. The 120-hour program delivered virtually through Zoom will prepare graduates to enter a career in administration of long-term personal care facilities.

Grand Prize winner of $50,000 announced in Ben Franklin's Big Idea Contest

50美元的大奖得主,000 in this year’s BIG Idea contest was 莎拉·波伊尔 and the team at her company, Antria, 来自印第安纳州, 宾西法尼亚. Antira has developed patented stem cell therapies that target wound care applications. The North Central PA LaunchBox powered by 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 once again joined Ben Franklin technology Partners in bringing the BIG Idea Contest to the region.
CARES Grant assistance if available at the NCPA LaunchBox.

Businesses seeking CARES Act funding can apply at NCPA LaunchBox by 11月. 15

11月. 15 is the deadline for businesses in Clearfield County to apply for funding through the Coronavirus Aid, 救援, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The North Central PA LaunchBox Powered by 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 is equipped with an on-site computer lab and knowledgeable staff ready to assist business owners with completing online applications at their Downtown 杜波依斯 location.
OTA students present fall prevention through Zoom.

365英国上市杜波依斯分校 students offer virtual fall-prevention program to area seniors

As faculty members at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 continue to innovate methods of virtual instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic, some have also developed ways to reach out to the community in unique ways. Director of the 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 Occupational Therapy Assistant program LuAnn Demi worked to adapt her usual fall-prevention program for senior citizens to a virtual presentation via Zoom this October.