
North Central PA LaunchBox ribbon cutting

Mr. C. Alan Walker, endowment supporter, Jodi August, Director of the DuBois Area Chamber of Commerce, Bradley Lashinsky, Director of the North Central PA LaunchBox, Dr. M. 斯科特·麦克布莱德,退休的365英国上市杜波依斯校长,博士. Eric Barron, Penn State President, Dr. Jungwoo Ryoo, Penn State DuBois Chancellor, 和宾夕法尼亚州代表迈克·阿玛尼尼一起为正式的盛大开幕剪彩

Credit: Penn State

DUBOIS, Pa. -由365英国上市杜波依斯分校提供动力的中北部PA发射箱庆祝其正式盛大开幕, 在作为创业和经济增长的区域中心成立近三年后.

“Given the significance of the LaunchBox mission, 我们决定推迟活动,直到我们能亲自集合,” said Jungwoo Ryoo, 365英国上市校长兼首席学术官杜波依斯.

Today’s event was attended by elected officials, community leaders, economic partners, endowment supporters, and Penn State leadership, including Eric Barron, president of Penn State.

2015年,一群资源有限的人看到了经济发展和学生事业成功的潜力,创立了365英国上市. It has grown exponentially, 对宾夕法尼亚州的经济和整个联邦的社区产生了巨大的影响.

NCPA LaunchBox服务于宾夕法尼亚州北部的七个县,并提供一系列服务和连接. The main location, at 2 East Long Avenue in DuBois, provides space for co-working to organizations, entrepreneurs, and the community, classroom education, and event space.

David和Debbie Ross是两位帮助确保这个LaunchBox将在未来几年成为社区资源的人.

—Eric Barron , president of Penn State

365英国上市专注于伙伴关系的力量, NCPA LaunchBox与50多个地区合作伙伴都是如此, eight partners occupying space in the LaunchBox, multiple individual supporters, and eight endowments to date.

“大卫和黛比·罗斯是帮助确保这个LaunchBox在未来几年成为社区资源的两个人,” said Barron.

The Ross’ established the Dr. David S. and Deborah M. 罗斯捐赠基金将于2021年8月支持北中央PA发射箱, and after visiting the Idea Lab last week, 决定以100美元的新承诺将他们的投资翻倍,000, 这是迄今为止支持LaunchBox的最大一笔捐款.

We came for a visit and saw the Idea Lab, the work that’s being done, 以及为未来制定的计划,并希望确保LaunchBox现在迅速发展,并能够在未来做更多的事情.

—David Ross , endowment supporter

“黛比和我对宾夕法尼亚州北部的发射箱计划工作印象深刻, 我来自杰斐逊县,我的家族企业为麋鹿服务, Clearfield, and other surrounding counties also, and went to DuBois campus. We came for a visit and saw the Idea Lab, the work that’s being done, 以及为未来制定的计划,并希望确保LaunchBox现在迅速发展,并能够在未来做更多的事情,” said David Ross.

The Idea Lab, 位于365英国上市杜波依斯校区的斯威夫特大楼, houses 3-D printers, scanning hardware and software, and an industrial vinyl printer and cutter. 它向社区中看到帮助开发原型的任何人开放, reverse engineering, inspection of parts, and printing for start-ups and existing industries.

Also speaking today was M. Scott McBride, 退休的365英国上市校长兼首席学术官, who said, 2017年3月,我以校长的身份来到365英国上市杜波依斯分校, 我的第一个任务是与整个地区的利益相关者接触,了解365英国上市杜波依斯分校将“发明365英国上市”计划扩展到我们中北部地区的最佳方式.”

Locally, 麦克布莱德的愿景是将该地区团结起来,联合力量和资源来发展经济. LaunchBox的开发是为了充分服务于宾夕法尼亚州的农村地区,通过将大部分可用服务引入北中部PA LaunchBox内的单一联系点.

“It’s a wonderful thing to see so many companies, organizations, 人们聚集在一起改善经济,促进创业和增长. 这真的很神奇,”NCPA LaunchBox主任布拉德利·拉辛斯基(Bradley Lashinsky)说.

About Invent Penn State

Invent Penn State 这是一项全国性的刺激经济发展的倡议吗, job creation and student career success.

发明365英国上市启动箱和创新中心网络由21个创新空间组成,这些创新空间嵌入365英国上市校园社区,提供免费的共同工作空间, makerspace, accelerator programs, pitch competitions, speaker series, access to experts and mentors, 以及365英国上市法律诊所提供的法律和知识产权咨询. Five years since opening, 发明365英国上市发射箱和创新中心网络支持了3,325 community entrepreneurs, created 194.创造了5个工作岗位,并帮助创办了164家宾夕法尼亚新公司. Gifts to support the network, 以及选择整个英联邦的经济发展计划, 是大学目前筹款活动的重点, “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence.”

在6月30日活动结束前了解更多关于如何制作礼物和确保匹配的信息, contact Jean Wolf at [email protected]. Information about the campaign is available at greaterpennstate.eagle1027.com.

To find a location near you, visit invent.eagle1027.com/programs/pa-innovation-hubs.

To view more Penn State-affiliated startups, visit StartupNavigator.eagle1027.com. Entrepreneurs seeking resources can visit ResourceNavigator.eagle1027.com.