Networking and career event prepares students for the workforce

Employers and jobseekers interacted during the 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 Career Fair

Employers and jobseekers interacted during the 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 Career Fair in the campus gymnasium.


A unique career-exploration event at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 on Wednesday gave students the opportunity to jump start their career planning. The Networking Luncheon and Professional Job Fair, 在校园体育馆举行, allowed students to meet and mingle with representatives from a nearly 40 local companies, 也 as find out what kind of employment opportunities those companies currently offer.

在午餐会上, business representatives were seated with students whose major aligned with the education those businesses look for in potential employees. Wildlife technology students sat with a wildlife biologist from the 宾西法尼亚 Game Commission, business students sat with bankers and business owners, 等等....... It gave the students the chance to interact with people already working in their fields of interest.

"Attending the networking luncheon is an investment in your future career,安娜·阿金通德说, career services coordinator at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校. "Networking is the most effective way of landing a job. It doesn’t matter whether you are a freshmen or a senior, it offers you the advantage of networking and building relationships that may lead to great opportunities whether that be an internship or a new job upon graduation. Students who have attended in the past have described the networking luncheon as not only a great way to connect with opportunities, but an excellent way to meet employers and talk more personally with them in a low-pressure and relaxed atmosphere. The job fair offers yet another opportunity for networking while also providing you the ability to gather field specific information in a time effective and less costly manner."

午餐之后, employers and students moved to another part of the gym for the career fair, which was also open to members of the public who are seeking employment. 在这里, job seekers got more formal information on companies and organizations who set up recruitment stations with information on what they have to offer.

John McIntosh, of 杜波依斯 is a returning adult student and veteran of the U.S. Navy majoring in recreation, parks and tourism management. He landed a summer internship at Penn's Cave and Wildlife Park in Centre Hall during the luncheon, by networking with a representative from there.

McIntosh 说, "I came here to meet new people and interact, and showcase my experience to others. This is a good learning tool for young people, and good practice interacting with employers. 熟能生巧."

Fellow recreation, parks and tourism management major Devin Moore, of Curwensville, agreed. 他是美国空军的一名老兵.S. Army, Moore 说 events like this help students adjust.

他说:“这真的很有帮助. I didn't have to search for a job while I was in the army for eight years, 所以这对我来说是一种新的体验."

Employers at the event say networking with possible employees is a welcomed benefit for them, 也.

马修Gritzer, who was there representing Sykesville-based powder metal manufacturer, Symmco, 说, “我们的劳动力正在老龄化, 很多人即将退休. This will help us fill some of those openings." Akintunde 说 making contact at events like this is proven to produce results on both sides of the job market. 这是她去年说的, 64 percent of students who attended this event felt they left with a potential job lead, while 76 percent left with a potential internship lead, and 79 percent of employers felt they had found a potential hire. This event was sponsored by GKN Sinter Metals.